Home » Blog Have you considered implementing Device as a Service in your company? There are often misunderstandings about this solution. For example, have you ever wondered whether DAAS is...
Today’s IT | What are the challenges for today’s IT manager?
Home » Blog You probably notice it when you talk about it with fellow IT professionals: IT teams are getting smaller, but the tasks are only increasing. How are you...
Home » Blog Did you know that there are more phones than humans? It's officially the fastest-growing human-made technology phenomenon ever. Going from zero to more than 8 billion in...
How technology influences our current way of working
Home » Blog It’s safe to say that our way of working has changed drastically in 2020. Even employers who don’t embrace technological progress are suddenly forced to facilitate the...
How Computer Vision supports citizen and worker safety
Home » Blog The rise and spread of the COVID-19 virus has forced us to adapt quickly. Drastic measures, such as keeping distance, wearing face masks and managing the number...
Home » Blog Thanks to digitization, more and more information is becoming available. Whether it concerns total turnover or your employees' salaries: your organization saves it all somewhere in huge...
Edge Computing: scalable, flexible and well organized
Home » Blog Edge computing' is a `buzzword', a term you hear more and more frequently. It is associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) and exponential data growth. But...
Home » Blog - door Manon Smulders - Nobody knows what the exact outcome of Brexit will be. However, what is expected, is that it will lead to many changes...
Home » Blog Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is being used more and more often. But what exactly does it mean? It's really very simple: companies that implement CSR practices take...
Home » Blog - by Manon Smulders - What benefits can you gain from a more efficient procurement process in your organization? More than you might think! Most organizations traditionally...
Home » Blog - by Manon Smulders - Which unnecessary costs can you eliminate in your procurement process? And how can you do so? You can consider process optimization. A...